Humanities Power Point


Slide 1 Create a title. Enter a title for this slide. Draft your overview slide. In this space, draft your overview slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should give a brief overview of your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement. Add speaker notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your overview slide. Share more details with your audience about your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement, and explain how these are situated within the domain of the humanities.

Slide 2 Create a title. Enter a title for this slide. Explain your themeā€™s impact on your audience. In this space, draft your audience slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should briefly explain how your theme might impact your audience. Add your speaking notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your audience slide. Share more details with your audience about the theme and thesis statement as expressed in your cultural artifacts, and how these might impact your audience.

Slide 3. Create a titleEnter a title for this slide. Describe your evidence. In this space, draft your evidence slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should briefly explain how your evidence is relevant to yourself and your audience. Add your speaking notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your evidence slide. Share more details with your audience about how the evidence you found supports your conclusions about the impact of your theme on yourself and your audience.

Slide 4. Create a title. Enter a title for this slide. Describe the personal importance of your theme and artifacts. In this space, draft your personal importance slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should briefly explain how your theme and cultural artifacts are important to you personally. Add your speaking notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your personal importance slide. Share more details with your audience about why your theme and cultural artifacts are important to you personally.

Slide 5 Create a title. Enter a title for this slide. Explain the benefit of studying the humanities. In this space, draft your studying the humanities slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should briefly explain how your theme and cultural artifacts are relevant to you in personal and professional contexts. Add your speaking notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your studying the humanities slide. Share more details with your audience about the benefits of studying the humanities and how studying the humanities can give you both a personal and professional advantage.

Slide 6 Create a title. Enter a title for this slide. Explain the importance of the humanities to society. In this space, draft your humanities and society slide. Just include the main ideas here. This slide should briefly explain how the humanities are important to society. Add your speaking notes. In this space, draft speaking notes for your humanities and society slide. Share more details with your audience about why the humanities are important to society.