Embracing change for is difficult, examine the concepts of change management theories, techniques and leadership.  FIRST: Write two pages explaining what the concepts of change are and how you will handle them with your organization. Your current team has some individuals that are not credentialed but have been on the team for many years.  Due to changes in laws for the Electronic Health Record that require that all individuals have a credential to work inside the record we have to now write a new policy for the organization. This new requirement may require change in some staffing.

Step Two:

  • Create a policythat covers requirements for the all staff that will be working with the Electronic Medical Record. Make sure that you give a specific time for individuals to get their education or a credential completed.

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Professional looking!!! You can choose how to format this policy to look proper, many different formats look good.  But you must have areas of

  • Background
  • Scope
  • Policy
  • “Minimum Requirements”
  • “Documentation Required”
  • Specific time for completion before termination
  • administration areas

Step Three:

  • Create recruitment standardsto prepare for the loss of 10% of your staff that may not have a current credential. Write your standard to show how you will handle this loss when it happens.

Step Four:

  • Create an orientation programfor all staff that will be coming in regarding HIPAA, Electronic Record Policy, and Ethics for the organization.
  • The PowerPoint should be an orientation PowerPoint.  For the staff that you are bringing in.  Make sure you are talking about EEO, Staff Rights, Benefits, what they need to know about your healthcare setting, etc; You will make sure that you have a handouts after so they can then have reference material. They never remember everything this is to help them in the future.  Do a recording with the PowerPoints so that your staff can just turn on the training for the person. Then they will get a certificate of completion (make sure you make one).
    • Training with PowerPoints
    • Recording
    • Handouts
    • Certificate of Completion