1) For this term’s project you are asked to make a PowerPoint presentation about “The use of “Applications of DifferentiationRelated Rates” in our real life and using “PYTHON” to represent the result on a graph.

2) This presentation should contain at least 4 slides, and the maximum number of students in the same project is 4 students. Due on Tuesday the 28th of February 2023.

3) NOTE: no projects will be accepted after the mentioned due date.

4) SLIDE 1: should contain your name, class and subjects’ names.

5) SLIDE 2: should contain a good description and presentation about your real examples/applications with definitions.

6) SLIDE 3: should contain pictures of UAE real life applications with a description of each picture.

7) SLIDE 4: mention one mathematical example with numbers and should contain “Applications of Differentiation Related Rates” expressions according to your application with explanation.

8) Share and submit your project on Google classroom to your math teacher.