WEEK 4 Discussion Forum

The purpose of this discussion forum is to identify valid agreements that form contracts. You will draw legal conclusions about the unintended consequences of these agreements upon the political process. Students will recognize particular legal issues inhering to a given case scenario and determine which laws come to bear on the issues towards arriving at a resolution of those issues.

This week and the next few weeks ahead, we will be discussing contracts. Nondisclosure agreements are also known as “Hush Agreements”. They are contracts, where a person agrees to keep quiet, about an organizations or person’s wrongful conduct and private affairs, for a fee (consideration). These agreements are not illegal as long as the “Hush Agreement” is not being used to conceal a crime. Simply wanting to keep your wrongful conduct or personal matters private is not illegal, and are accomplished by drafting a contract and paying consideration. Please answer the following questions for this discussion:

Do you think we should create laws to make it illegal for any candidate running for President of the United States, to enter into “Hush Agreements (Contracts)”, to prevent the public from knowing about his or her past conduct?

What if the candidate is very knowledgeable and experienced and has other characteristics and qualities that would make him or her a good political candidate. Would your answer to question one change? Please explain in detail why your answer would or would not change.
Initial posting

You will answer all of the questions indicated above. Please develop your answers by explaining and describing the who, when, what, why, where and how of your response. Provide substance by including examples and references to your text and outside articles.

Here is the teacher’s instruction video on how she wants assignment done it has 2 assignments do the discussion one

  • https://laccd.zoom.us/rec/share/9WctAaHkR7OP1tEYh5qv6MHQi9awpYsZOJotuozelPCS3VRNbUdHK8UIU0qtqF0N.FesMDqKGRF0DJ4px?startTime=1677467200000