Should maternity leave be longer?

Argumentative Essay Early Working Draft (Argumentative)

For this assignment, you will review feedback given on the Argumentative Essay Outline from ENGL 1101. Then, you will write a first working draft for the ENGL 1101 Argumentative Essay.

Assignment Instructions
1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.

2. Review the Argument Essay Outline you submitted along with feedback you received from that assignment. Make adjustments to the outline in accordance with the feedback. This may include strengthening lines of reasoning, expanding or improving research sources for supporting evidence, creating a more sympathetic introduction to your position, etc.

3. Develop a complete draft of your essay using your improved Argument Essay Outline. It should meet the following requirements. Papers submitted that do not meet the requirements will not receive a passing grade.

  • A two-part thesis including statement of position; and forecast of your lines of reasoning
  • MLA formatting (see the MLA Format ( page as needed)
  • Minimum of 800 words, 1,500 word maximum— not including the Works Cited page.

4. A minimum of three (3) credible sources ARE required for the final draft. All sources must be cited properly in text and on a Works Cited Page. Any submission that is 40% or more from outside sources will receive a zero. Repeat offenders will receive an F course grade. The best essays tend to take 5-20% of their content from outside sources.

5.Submit your detailed working draft as a single file upload.