Management Science and Operations Management

Task: Answer following questions.

1. [10 points] Choose any organization that you’re familiar with (Private/ public/ forprofit/ nonprofit). List at least 5 operational activities of that organization. Briefly explain each activity in 12 sentences. List 3 nonoperational activities of the organization and explain each in 12 sentences.

2. [10 points] Briefly describe a customer experience you have personally encountered where you were unsatisfactory with:

  • a. a good (not the buying experience; the good) (Min. 50 words) [5 points]
  • b. a service (should not related to purchase of a good) (Min. 50 words) [5 points]

3. [10 points] The operations manager in one of the above organizations (where you purchased an unsatisfactory good or service) wants to improve the operation to make you satisfied. Briefly describe how the operations manager could improve the good or service? (Note that you need to explain what operations need to be changed and how they need to be changed. If it is a good, you need to explain how the operations manager in the goods manufacturer can improve the good. If it is a service, you need to explain how the operations manager in the service provider can improve the service.)

4. [10 points] Briefly explain what sustainability is. Describe the three perspectives of sustainability and how they affect organizations. Explain each perspective of sustainability and their effect on organizations with an example. (100150 words).

5. [10 points] Briefly explain the difference between goods and services in 150200 words. Your answer should explain at least 4 differences between goods and services.

6. [10 points] Select an organization of your choice. List at least 5 value addition (core) processes of that organization. List at least 3 inputs for the value addition and list the outputs of value addition.

7. [10 points] What you are expecting to learn from this class and why is it important to you? Write a selfreflection of 100200 words.

8. [20 points] Draw a customer benefit package (CBP) for one of the following items. Explain how your CBP provides value to the customer. (Min. 200 words) (You need to draw the CBP and include it in the document). Please see GaView Content Student Resources Study Aids Assignment Formatting Information section to learn how to include scanned images into a Word document.

  • a. Eye examination
  • b. Gym membership
  • c. Lawncare service
  • d. Streaming service subscription
  • e. Cruise