INDIVIDUAL Client Research

Reasoning and Required Information

  • All communication artifact submissions must be accompanied by this Logic Form, which describes your reasoning and will appear at the beginning of your assignment submission.
  • All communication artifacts must be developed with your audience, The General Public, at the forefront of your choices.
  • All communication artifacts are expected to be engaging and thoughtful.
  • All communication artifacts must be clear, easy to read, and easy to see (e.g., no images or text should be too small to see/read at regular viewing/engagement parameters for the given artifact)
  • All communication artifacts must be developed according to the parameters of the artifact
    • For example, a handout must be developed in a way that makes sense for being physically held, read, and handed out.
    • For example, an infographic created with the intention of printing it as a poster must be developed in a way that makes sense for being hung and viewed in public areas; an infographic created to live online must be developed in a way that makes sense for online engagement, scrolling, linking, animations, etc.
  • All communication artifacts must include references, and links when appropriate
    • References may be in whatever style you choose (e.g., MLA, APA, IEEE) as long as you are consistent.
  • All communication artifacts must fulfill all of the required aspects described in the “Purpose” section above, as well as listed below:
        1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of your client, including:
          • Background and History
          • Purpose, Goals, and Values
          • Demographic Makeup
          • Commitment to Sustainability
            • E.g., past, current, or planned projects, public statements, pledges, actions, etc.
        2. Describe your client to a public audience
        3. Outline your client’s orientation and commitment to sustainability
        4. Create a clear picture of what your client has done or is doing so that, later on, you can point to the gap where your team and project idea fit in.