Forecasting Section of Aviation Planning Project:

Forecast – Enplanements, Annual Operations, Based Aircraft, and ADPM
1. Forecast Daytona Beach International’s airline enplanements using the data taken from the FAA  TAF. Compare a 10-year and a 5-year average market share, develop projections for the years  2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040. Show your answers in both a table and graphical form. (The 10-year  forecast can be taken from your Market Share Forecast Homework assignment.)

2. Using data from the FAA TAF, forecast based aircraft for DAB using a 5-year and 10-year trend  analysis. Develop the forecast for the years 2020-2040. Show your answers in both a table and  graphical form. (Both forecasts can be taken from your Trend Analysis Homework). Please detail  which methodology you would select and why.

3. Using data from the FAA TAF, forecast total operations for DAB using a 5-year and 10-year trend  analysis. Develop the forecast for the years 2020-2040. Show your answers in both a table and  graphical form. Please detail which methodology you would select and why.

4. Develop a Peak Activity Forecast of annual operations (ADPM) for DAB for 2020 and 2040 given  the following information: (You may use FAA TAF data for annual 2020 and 2040 operations)
a. Peak month is July for 2020 and 2040
b. 12.8% of annual operations occur during July
c. The peak hour of the peak day has 18.5% of the daily operations

Make sure each section has a table, graph and textual description. Site all sources and add the  tables/figures to your Table of contents.