Outsourcing strategy and HCI

As part of your organization’s IT department, the IT Strategy Committee has asked you to prepare a presentation to the Committee members, on the pros and cons of outsourcing as a systems development approach/option or strategy.


Prepare a well-developed presentation (in MS Word) to the Committee on the pros and cons of using outsourcing as a systems development strategy/option.

Your presentation MUST address…

  • The overall concept of outsourcing…e.g., what is it?
  • Why the organization might consider this systems development approach.
  • Under what conditions would outsourcing be beneficial to the organization and when it would not.
  • Identify FIVE (5) reasons that would support approving outsourcing as a development strategy/option.
  • Identify FIVE (5) reasons that would support rejecting outsourcing as a development strategy/option.

Part 2:

Gary and Judith Olson, in their article “Human-Computer Interaction: Psychological Aspects of the Human Use of Computing,” appearing in the Annual Review of Psychology [www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev.psych.54.101601.145044], state that human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field in which psychology and other social sciences unite with computer science and related technical fields with the goal of making computing systems that are both useful and usable. It is a blend of applied and basic research, both drawing from psychological research and contributing new ideas to it. New technologies continuously challenge HCI researchers with new options, as do the demands of new audiences and uses.Diane Hickey [https://seedfund.nsf.gov/topics/human-computer-interaction] further states that HCI is an intersection of multiple disciplines, including computer science, behavioral sciences, human-centered design, media studies, and several other fields of study.Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality, Tactile Technologies, Wearable Computing…oh my.Tasks:Using information from this chapter, certainly your own thoughts and ideas, and of course the vast repository that is the Internet, write and submit a well-thought-out, graduate-level paper, of NO LESS THAN four (4) pages answering the question…Where will technology and HCI be in 2032? A mere 10 years from now.Your response should address such areas as but, not be limited to ….

    • Defining human computer interaction.
    • Discussing the evolution of computer and human interface.
    • Issues, problems, struggles, etc., in an attempt to interface computers and humans.
    • Operational/technical, political, ethical issues involving closing the gap between carbon-based humans and silicon-based machines.
    • Providing examples of HCI now.
    • What do you predict will be the state of HCI in 10 years? Why? What is contributing to your prediction?