Overpass Analysis

The goal of this assignment is to identify the project’s stakeholders and the sources of tensions and conflicts that arise from infrastructure projects, and describe how owners’ property rights, responsibilities, and constraints interact with the government and the `common good’ to produce inequities where some lose and some win. Please only refer to the resources provided

Step 1: Background information

Step 2: Submission

Write an essay (4 pages maximum) that includes:

– A brief (intro) description of the story: what happened? who was involved? what was the outcome?

– Who were the stakeholders then and what did they care about?

– What is the rationale behind this project? What economic factors played a role in the project’s conception?

– How did the government obtain the land for the project?

– Who benefitted before and who benefits today from the overpass and its location?

  • * Explain the positive economic impact of the overpass.
  • * Did the project have positive impacts on real estate prices or development in New Orleans? If yes, explain who benefitted and why. If no, explain why.

– Who lost and who loses today because of the overpass and its location? why?

  • Explain the negative economic impact of the overpass
  • Explain how the overpass affected property rights for those living near it when it was built and how it affects neighbors today.

– Who are the stakeholders today and why do they care about this piece of infrastructure?

– We are now beyond the project’s life span of 40 years, and several proposals were made to revitalize the N. Claiborne District, including some that call for the removal of the overpass. Which proposal would you support and why?