Discussion Board #2: Discuss The Human Genome Project


Genome is a fancy word for all your DNA. From potatoes to puppies, all living organisms have their own genome. Each genome contains the information needed to build and maintain that organism throughout its life. For a quick introduction of the genome please, watch this short video:

The Human Genome Project was a long-term project sequencing the whole human genome. Advances in DNA sequencing technology vastly accelerated the process, and the knowledge gained brought many opportunities but also concerns. Please watch the following video for the lessons learned from the Human Genome Project:

Feel free to explore additional information on the National Human Genome Research Institute’s website (especially the section titled Impact on society)

In your posting, reflect on what you have learned from this video, what are your thoughts, hopes, and concerns about the use of genetic information? Provide sources for any additional information.

Comment on two other students’ postings, in a thoughtful and respectful way. Your comment should add to the posting or provide meaningful feedback.

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