Book Report (maximum 6 pages)

Read the assigned book What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 (WIW) by Tina Seelig and submit an six-page report (excluding coversheet and references) following the structure below:

  1. Summarize the book and identify the key takeaways from it. Write 4-6 sentences summary of each chapter and also discuss one key takeaway from each chapter. You should also discuss how the key takeaways resonated with you the most and clearly explain why.
  2. Discuss how this book has enabled you to see yourself and the world through a new (different) lens. Specifically, discuss what have you attempted to do differently based on the insights/learning you gained from this book.
  3. Finally, discuss the results of your self-assessments ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.); (Links to an external site.)) in the context of the entrepreneurial skills highlighted in the book. What skills do you need to develop to achieve your goals that you want to set for the next ten years and what actions do you need to take to develop these skills?