American Studies Question

Formatting: 3 pg minimum, 12pt, Times New Roman, 1″ margins, double spaced. Note: 3 pages is approx. 750 words. Write more if you’d like.

Process Papers [5 pts each]

Submit a 3 page process/response paper (12pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins) that responds to at least 3 readings, films, or other assigned texts across the designated period (Weeks 4 through Week 8) — and explores the ideas, themes, or topics from those texts that made you curious in some way. You should always try be specific and precise — that is, name the idea/concept/topic, explain or contextualize it with quotations (and explanations in your own words) and examples (and explanations in your own words) from the class readings/texts (to show me you did the reading or watched/listened to the texts), and share any insights, examples, or reflections you may have.

Use specific examples from the assigned texts (texts include assigned readings, films, and videos). Unpack those examples in your own words. Explain thoroughly how you are thinking about those examples in the context of the class.