Would these studies be considered unethical today?

  • Solomon Asch’s Conformity experiments
  • Stanley Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority” experiment
  • Philip Zimbardo’s “Stanford Prison Experiment”
  • John Watson’s “Little Albert” experiments
  • Harry Harlow’s rhesus monkey studies.
  • Marin Seligman’s “Learned Helplessness” studies on dogs
  •  Jane Elliot’s “Blue-eyed/Brown-eyed” exercise

Consider these landmark studies in the field of psychology mentioned in this video linked here.

  • Would these studies be considered unethical today?
  • What ethical issues stand out as possible concerns?

Research more about these studies, or one of the others found in the resource link above, and create a PowerPoint presentation (or other) covering possible ethical concerns while also citing the relevant principles and standards of the ethics code. Use references from this module and include APA in-text citations.