In addition to the skills in the previous speeches, this speech emphasizes the effective use of argumentation.

As you consider topics, ask these two questions:

  1. ) Are there two or more substantial views on the issue?  For example, Organ Donation and Wear Seat Belts are not good topics because there is no substantial opposition.
  2. ) Is there a meaningful action step you can use?  For example, Texting and Driving is a poor topic because it is already illegal in Ohio.

A good way to find a topic is to look at current issues in the news. For example: Minimum Wage, How to Deal with the Heroin Epidemic, Voter Suppression, Immigration Reform, Rights of Unions, Sex Education in public schools, How to make College More Affordable, Humane Treatment of Farm Animals, Income Inequality, Changing from Electoral College to Popular Vote for US President, Rights of Same-Sex couples to Adopt, US involvement in the war in Ukraine, and Fracking.

News and government web sites are good places to look for topic ideas. Closely look at several possible topics to help you select one that you are confident about.