Nutritional Analysis Paper | W08


Students are required to complete a Nutritional Analysis exercise. The student will conduct an analysis of a 24-hour period to include macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Information will be organized in a table format to include: food list for 24 hours, total nutritional value of each item, and recommended daily allowance, risks of deficiency, and recommended changes. Students will then need to write a paper reflecting on their intake of foods including cultural influences and plans to improve and or maintain good nutrition.

The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.