Endangered Species

Your essay assignment is to write an analytical research essay on a salient human-environment interaction. Human impacts on the environment are widespread and can have significant implications for wildlife populations. Specifically, you will need to identify a Canadian threatened or endangered species and discuss their main threats. Select a specific population/location of your chosen species. Make sure to discuss how these threats specifically affect your chosen species and what mitigation measures could be taken to help protect them. Are there aspects of the species ecology or life history that make them more vulnerable to human threats? Is it likely that mitigation measures will actually be put in place? and if not, why not?

In the essay, you must use at least five peer-reviewed scholarly articles. You are not to use informal blogs, newsletters, or other similar sources. Other acceptable sources include websites for government agencies or professional organizations. It is important that you properly reference all facts, data, and opinions that are not your own. In text referencing should be “author, year” format (APA), whereas the full citation should be listed in the literature cited section (i.e. “References”) at the end of your essay. It is mandatory to use the citation formatting in the course textbook, so please refer to the textbook for proper formatting of in-text citation and references.

Also, make sure you pick a Canadian species that is listed on the species at risk act and that usually means a specific population (e.g. in a defined area). For example, some beluga whale populations might be endangered in one area but not another, so make sure to specify which one you will be referring to.

Your paper should be word-processed, double-spaced, in 12-point type, and no more than 2,000 words (excluding references).