Response Gabrielle

Respond to the following response.  Explain why you think some visions fail?

Good morning,

Visions fail for several reasons such as being too specific, too complex, too vague, inadequate, irrelevant, blurred, unrealistic, and a rearview mirror. Visions can fail also if the leaders do not do much to implement the vision. When management talks about the vision and how great it is but does not back it up with actions that is when visions will fail. Poor planning can also lead to vision failing. Poor planning can mean several different things such as the visions being unclear, too broad, too specific, lack creativity, or cannot be measured. Visions need to be thought out and specific to the organization or the organization will have trouble implementing the vision.

Visions can also fail when they are too complex, inadequate, or irrelevant to the organization. When visions are too complex, they can be difficult to understand which will make them hard to implement. Visions must be idealistic, realistic, and tangible this would make it easy to incorporate for everyone and allows for all employee to be on the same page about the vision. If visions are inadequate, it does not fully address the problem going on. If visions are irrelevant, then the team will not implement them since they do not relate to the organization.


Palmer, I. (2021). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).