KINDLY DO NOT USE OTHER SOURCES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION FIRST USE ALL THE MATERIAL I SEN YOU PLEASE.1. Identify and define your personal leadership characteristics in the context of any one of the five theoretical approaches discussed in the leadership chapter.

2. Conduct an Internet search of a current event identifying a political figure and determine what trait factors (See “Bernard Bass Trait Factors Appearing in Three or More Leadership Studies” sidebar) the leader is displaying. Ensure you outline the traits as they affect the followers and the situation that marks the event.

3. Please submit the name of the person you will be doing your leadership analysis on. Include a few sentences about why you chose this particular person for your case study.

W needs to use my source ONLY because I READ all the material and attached my outline alone and my notes with the paper. Therefore, the information needs to match with the paper and I read the paper carefully before I handle it to my professor so I know if outside sources were used.
AND DO NOT USE personal information such as the W name or gender ethnic or something of that nature professor know me pretty well.

you need to analyze a specific quote (with page number) rather
than summarize the entire reading. Also, do not move to quickly to comparisons; instead, try to
first develop your own understanding of the issue, and then make connections or divergences
with other issues. Lastly, avoid making generalizations, exaggerations, and using non-scholarly