Cyber bullying in school using media literacy

For this assignment, you will find an image that helps your reader understand your claim or argument you are making in your proposal. We understand that images can sway our opinions quickly. Think about the times you have seen a print image or images in a TV or web ad that makes you suddenly crave pizza. Or how a chart of data suddenly changed your mind about an issue. Images are powerful. Combined with words or sound, they are even more powerful. Think about opening or closing credits from a film or TV show. The soundtrack can be almost as important for delivering message as the images alone.

It’s helpful to see your image as another way to offer evidence to persuade your reader, and it functions just like a quote from your research, but instead of words it’s a picture or a chart or a representation of data.

This assignment has five parts:

  1. Find an image that supports some part of your argument.
  2. Title your image or provide a caption.
  3. Cite your image in APA format.
  4. Explain how or why your image helps support your argument.
  5. Describe where this image comes from. Why is it credible?

Required Reflection Questions

After finding and citing your image, answer the following questions:

  1. What informed your choice of image?
  2. What surprised you most about this process?
  3. Would you choose a different image if you had more time? Why or why not?
  4. In what ways does the image say more than words alone could?