Submit the draft of your commercial summary and the intro to your media paper here for me to comment on.Your summary and introduction should be 1.5 to 2 pages long in correct MLA format. Be sure you include a Works Cited with the commercial cited (see below for how to cite your commercial).Here is the outline for the summary and introduction:

  • Open with a summary of the commercial (refer to the handout Ten Tips for a Successful Media Analysis for a summary example of the Doritos ad).
    • Start with the name of the commercial and the brand. Use terms like opens with, begins with, or starts with.
    • Use transition words throughout like in the next scene, later, or after.
    • Just tell the story of the ad in the order it happens. Don’t try to jump around or tell it out of order.
    • Explain the action of the commercial for someone who has never seen it before.
    • Use descriptive adjectives to describe the commercial.
    • Don’t use too much detail. Your description of the ad should be no longer than one page total. You don’t need to share every detail especially if you are not going to analyze that information.
    • End your summary with a citation that is the brand name like this (Doritos).
  • The second paragraph should be the introduction
  • Include the following information in your intro. It does not have to be in this order, but you need to include all of these parts (for help, review the example paper in the folder at the top of the unit labeled Essay #1 Media Paper Instructions and Learning Material)
    • Introduce something about media and culture and how they affect or influence each other and society
    • Your topic (the stereotype or value you discovered in your analysis)
    • The consequences of reinforcing those myths or values (the implicaitons section of your paper)
    • introduce the commercial or brand
    • The target audience (who is the commercial talking to? White middle class Americans, Black Americans, women, men?)
    • End with your thesis (The commercial “Name of Ad” by Brand Name [signal verb like reinforces, promotes] [your claim].
  • Finally, you need a Works Cited page. Here is the formula for a Works Cited for an advertisement found on YouTube. If you didn’t use YouTube, just replace the word YouTube with the name of the website where you found the ad. Be sure you include the word Advertiesment to express that this is an advertisement and not just a video.
    • Brand Name. Advertisement. “Title of Commercial.” Uploaded by Name, YouTube, Date Published, URL.