The Four Domains of Leadership

Refer to your StrengthsFinder results and the 3610 Leadership charts file in D2L.

  1. Compare your top 5 strengths to the Four Domains of Leadership chart. Of the four domains of leadership, where do your strengths fall? What are your one or two biggest areas? Do the findings surprise you? What does this say about you as a leader? Answer in 5-8 complete sentences.


  1. Of the leadership theories we discussed in class (you can also look at the theories in the leadership chart on D2L), which two concepts most match your leadership strengths? Consider both your Top 5 strengths and your dominant domains of leadership discussed in question 1 to formulate your answer. Answer in 5-8 complete sentences.


  1. Of the five styles of leadership represented in the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid, which style is most in line with your leadership strengths? Please explain using an example of how you would use your leadership style in the workplace. Answer in 3-4 complete sentences.