Situational Analysis Paper

Prepare a paper describing the Situational Analysis for the business you selected. The Situational Analysis should be a separate chapter/section of the overall Marketing Plan. This section of the Marketing Plan includes a SWOT analysis which details the elements of the macro-level external environment, its industry or competitive environment, and its internal environment. In addition to the narrative provided in your paper about the business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, also include a SWOT analysis diagram (see examples in the week’s Module). When the Marketing Plan is finalized in Week 8, you will include this week’s Situational Analysis into the larger Marketing Plan document.

Prepare the paper using APA (including title page and reference page but not abstract). This paper will have at least three levels of headings please use headings per APA guidelines. In addition to your textbook, use at least three peer-reviewed sources to supplement your findings for a total of at least four references. Peer-reviewed sources should be Journal Articles, books, reports, etc. that can be located on the EBSCO Host or other Library Database.