New Womanhood

Answer the chosen essay prompt fully and completely.

Include a main thesis, or argument, which the rest of your essay will successfully refer to and strengthen.

Use detailed and appropriate evidence from the course’s required readings.

Utilize a mix of both primary and secondary source material.

Include body paragraphs that a) support your thesis, and b) are organized using transition sentences.

Be at least four full pages in length.

ESSAY PROMPT: Trace the development of “New Womanhood” and women’s rights from the 1870s through the 1920s, typically labelled “first-wave feminism”. What were the historical arguments for and against women’s suffrage, or right to vote? What role did women play in late-19th and early 20th century progressive reforms? Consider how factors like industrialization, westward migration, imperialism, war, etc. affected women’s political and social ‘liberation’. To what extent was this ‘liberation’ homogenous? What were the goals of some feminists after women’s suffrage was achieved? Confine your answer through the 1920s.