Geology Question

Create a Word document that includes any TWO of the following.


  1. Include the entire question as part of your answer.
    1. Copy and paste(in BOLD), the instructions/questions as a whole (do not separate in smaller sections)  that correspond to the part you are answering.
    2. Do this for each part in the assignment.
  2. Include your name and “Assignment 1” at the beginning of your Word document.
    (e.g. JohnSmithAssigment1)
  3. Cite all sources of information, including the textbook, using MLA formatting ( to an external site.)Links to an external site.). You must include a Works Cited section as well as in-text citations of sources used. Assignments with more than 20% direct quotations from other  sources will not receive any credit.

Assignment Parts- Choose Two (2)

Part 1

On Earth, plate tectonics has been a dynamic process for hundreds of millions of years.  Take a look at the “plate tectonics movie” on the University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology web page ( to an external site. ). Do this by clicking on “animated GIFs” for the last 750 million years.  Play the movie.  As time passes, the continents seem to move around.  Why is this so?  What is “pushing” the continents around and why?  Why do the continents appear to move around over time?

Part 2

Observe the differences between a normal and a reverse fault and the differences and similarities (if any) between a strike-slip and an oblique slip fault.  Record your observations on how these pairs of faults are different and how they are similar.  What kind of forces – compression or extension would be involved in forming these faults.  (Observe the video and see for yourself.)

Part 3

Using web pages at the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology ( to an external site. ), take a look at the description of molecular fossils.  After reviewing what this web page has to offer, use the resources there to answer briefly these questions.  What are the four main organic compounds that form molecular fossils?  What conditions are necessary for the formation and preservation of molecular fossils?  What can we learn from molecular fossils?

Remember to properly cite your sources of information*

Every source used (including the textbook) must be properly cited using MLA formatting ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). You must include a Works Cited section as well as in-text citations of sources used. Assignments with more than 20% direct quotations from other  sources will not receive any credit.