What does this product tell us about the ideals and values of American culture? (or) How does this product relate to the contested values and beliefs of American culture?

Our first paper asks the guiding question what does your chosen product reveal about American values and beliefs? Incorporating concepts and ideas from our course readings and a range of academic and popular sources into your analysis, this paper challenges writers to closely examine the link between the product and American cultural values and beliefs.

Here are a few key requirements to keep in mind:
o The essay must be a 1800 word minimum study of how a popular American consumer product functions as a sign of U.S. cultural beliefs, values and ideals.
o You must use the course readings in nearly every body paragraph. This means you must apply concepts from the course readings in your paper as a form of support for your thinking. But don’t quote excessively. See sample essay.
o The essay must be presented in MLA format with parenthetical citations and a correctly and carefully formatted works cited list documenting ideas/ quotes/and paraphrases from course readings and sources.
o Pick a product that has at least 5 different iterations (tv ads, web pages, social media ads, magazine ads, product reviews, blogs)

I will be analyzing Bacardi rum.
Sources not attached



Bacardi Superior White Rum

anything else you feel could help this essay bacardi related open to suggestions if you need more guidence please text me 6194514160