Social Science Question

For Writing Assignment 3, you will be given one of your classmate’s papers to review. You will need to write a one-page evaluation for them. In your evaluation you should:

Identify what you think the primary argument is. Can you easily identify an issue statement? If so, what do you think it is?

Evaluate the argument. Do you think the premises provided are sufficient to support the conclusion, or do you think more or better evidence could be provided? What do you think would help make this a stronger argument?

Is the writing clear and free from ambiguity and vagueness? Are there any terms you thought could have been better defined?

Is the argument free from rhetoric and logical fallacies? If you identified any rhetorical devices or fallacious reasoning specifically state what you think it is.

Are there appropriate citations throughout?

Is there a works cited page?

You will submit a copy of your evaluation here, but you should also send a copy of the evaluation to your classmate via the message function in Canvas.