Psychology 340

This activity provides an opportunity to reflect on the role that your cultural background may play in shaping or influencing your cognitions (knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs).

1-How would you define your cultural background? What would you say are the cultures that have had the most profound influences on who you are today? [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

2-How are your thoughts and beliefs about your college education and/or future career shaped by your cultural background? Try to give specific examples. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

3-How are some important values or principles in your life (things you care deeply about, that define your core beliefs) reflections of your cultural background? Try to give specific examples. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]

4-How is your presence on social media (e.g., Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) a reflection of your cultural background? If you are not on social media, you can use that as the fact you are reflecting on. [Write a minimum of 3-4 sentences]