MGT424 questions

Read the article, and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  1. In your own words, summarize the article. ( 150 – 200 words ) ( 5 marks )
  2. To which extent do you agree or disagree with the author point of view “that internal customers’ needs are important as externals to create a true quality environment” and Why? ( 150 – 200 words ) ( 5 marks )
  3. Discuss the tools needed to operate within the new environment as indicated by the author. ( 150 – 200 words) ( 5 mark )


Important Notes: –

  • For each question, you need to answer not in less than 150 Words.
  • Support your answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles

Use APA style for writing references.