NURS3015 Health Variations 4 – Acute Life Threatening Conditions

Assignment 4: MET call case study – Reflection

Word/time limit: 500 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 10%

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Assignment overview

This assignment is a mandatory submission, which means that in order to pass this subject of study, you must submit this assignment. 

This assignment follows on from your Assignment 3: Group presentation – MET call case study, and is to be completed following the submission of your presentation recording. The aim of this assignment is to enhance your understanding of the significance of recognising a deteriorating patient. You will reflect on your understanding of pathophysiology in relation to the patient’s clinical manifestations using a holistic patient approach, and reflect on the importance of working together as a team in the group presentation reflective of teamwork in caring for a deteriorating patient.

This assignment supports Subject Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 4.

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Note: A request must be made within 48 hours of the assignment due date.

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Assignment details

Read through the following steps to understand and meet the requirements of this assignment:

Step 1: Read through the reflection questions

You are expected to critically reflect on and respond to all of the following reflection questions.

Reflection questions

  • Question 1: What was your experience with recognising the signs of deterioration in the patient in the case study scenario? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

  • Question 2: What was your experience with understanding the underlying pathophysiological changes and its link to the patient’s clinical manifestations? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.
  • Question 3:  What was your experience with working as part of a team in understanding the patient’s MET call and presentation? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

Step 2: Write your reflection on your MET call case study

Your reflection should be based on a critical reflection framework. Some examples of these are Rolfe’s reflective framework (What, So What? Now What?) and Gibb’s reflection framework. You may find it useful to review the following guides for developing your reflective writing skills:

While you will be drawing on your experiences from completing Assignment 3: Group presentation – MET call case study, and referring to the specific case study that you were allocated to, this reflection is an individual assignment and should be completed independently.

Step 3: Submit your reflection

Before you submit your assignment, ensure that you have proofread your reflection and have formatted your submission according to the following specifications:

  • 3 cm left and right margins
  • double spaced
  • Font: Arial or Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12pt

Your assignment must be submitted in either .doc or .docx format, and follow the file naming convention of Surname_FirstName_Assignment Title. Refer to the Submission Details Overview section for specific instructions on how to submit your assignment using Turnitin. Ensure that you include the marking guide with your submission.