Cyber CEIGE Instructions (M06)
You are to investigate the possible use of a game-like simulation to improve information security awareness at CHI.
To prepare for this activity, install and use the Cyber CEIGE simulation using one of the provided installation kits.
- Locate the installation kit in D2L. I recommend you start with the most recent kit and use the prior kit if the installation is unsuccessful.
- Download the zip file.
- Uncompress the zip file.
- Run the installation kit.
- The password for the kit is grostolis
- Run the program.
- Complete the initial (training) campaign.
- Complete all ‘Starting Scenarios’.
- Complete at least one other scenario of your choice. You may complete additional scenarios at your own discretion.
To complete this activity, write a report to recommend (or disrecommend) this SETA tool. In the report, comment about the usefulness of this simulation tool in a SETA program at CHI, Inc. Your report should reflect on your own experiences using the simulation and it MUST answer each of the following questions:
- How long did you spend using the simulation (cumulative)?
- Was the simulation valuable as a learning experience for you?
- Would this be a valuable learning tool for general employees at CHI, Inc.?
- In what settings at CHI, Inc. might this be a valuable tool?
- Which types of employees at CHI, Inc. would benefit most from using this simulation?
- What will be required for the tool to be used at CHI?
- How much money and staff time will be required to implement this simulation? Be sure you factor in the number of employees that you include in your recommendation.
- Make a Go/Nogo recommendation on the adoption of the tool.
Write this in a short report, using complete sentences structured into well-formed paragraphs.