Research Evidenced Based Practice


Select another quantitative study from your literature related to your PICOT question. Outline the research variables.

Respond to each of the following questions/areas:

  • Are the independent or dependent variables or research variables or concepts identified?
  • Are the variables that are manipulated or measured in the study consistent with the variables identified in the purpose or the objectives, questions, or hypotheses?
  • Were the essential demographic variables examined and summarized?
  • Were the extraneous variables identified and controlled as necessary in the study?
  • Are there uncontrolled extraneous variables that may have influenced the findings? Is the potential impact of these variables on the findings discussed?
  • Summarize the data collection, data management and analysis, problem statement and interpretation of the findings.
  • Explain the concepts of reliability and validity and how statistical methods can affect them.
  • Identify the statistical procedures used. Do the statistical procedures used lead to a reliable and valid conclusion?
  • Judge whether the author’s interpretation of the results is appropriate.
  • Evaluate the clinical significance of the findings.