1.Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles :
- A.Deltoid
- B.Biceps
- C.Triceps
- D.Thenar and Hypothenar muscles of the hand -listing the individual thenar and hypothenar muscles and their functions.
- E 1.Pectoralis Major,Minor and the Diaphragm,
- E 2. Rectus Abdominis and Serratus Anterior
- F.Flexor Muscles of the Thigh-Vastus Lateralis,Intermedius,Medials and Sartorius.
- G.Extensor Muscles of the Thigh- Gluteus Maximus,Minimus and the Hamstrings.
- H.Gastrocnemeus Muscles and The Soleus Muscles.
- E.Diaphragm
Functions of the muscles should include movements like Flexion, Extension ,Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation and External Rotation.
2.List The muscles of the Rotator Cuff.