Week 2 Assignment: Relational Database Tables

Course Objective:

  • CO1. Utilize Excel to create, organize, and analyze lists of data.
  • CO2. Develop an understanding of relational databases and how to import data into a relational database.

Assignment Prompt:
Before you start with this assignment, you will want to watch the five videos in the Reading & Resources section under Content in week 2 bin. This week you will be creating two new databases in Access (this assignment does not use the Excel databases you downloaded in week 1). Complete instructions are listed below for how to create your two new “Contacts” databases inside of Access. As this file will go no further than your instructor if you want to complete these two databases with family, friends, coworkers, business, and social contacts, you are free to do so. A great source for all of this information is in your Cell phone. Likewise, if you are uncomfortable with using real contacts, you may make some up (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Frank Zappa, Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, etc.). The two databases you are creating this week will be used in the next assignment, so, take care of developing and complete them as accurately as possible.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Complete the databases in one Access file that you will submit below as your homework for week 2.
  2. The work you do this week may look like a lot of busywork, however this database, once completed, will be used in two future classes (week 3 and week 5) where you build queries, forms, and reports.
  3. The intent of this assignment is to create your own personal database of contacts (individual and Company). Your Cell phone or contacts database in your personal email software is an excellent source for the data you will need for this assignment. The database will be kept confidential and no one but your instructor will see it. If you are concerned about confidentiality, your only other choice is to create a database of fake names.
  4. Start your project by constructing a “Form” in Access with the fields listed below. There is an excellent resource for how to build a form in the “Content: Reading & Resources” section. If you would like to review how to create forms you can also use this hyperlink: Access Forms Transcript can be accessed on video host site.
  5. Include a minimum of 35 contacts, more would be better. Use at least 10 organizations, businesses, or service provider company contacts, again more would be better
  6. If you receive any recommended changes from your instructor when he or she returns your work after grading, please complete these changes before the next week’s assignment
  7. Follow the directions below exactly, enough said, let’s get these done and move on to using them in future classes.