Research Essay: The Influences of Modern Media

The essay should be at least 1200 words in length. The Works Cited page does not count in this total.
Make sure to have a strong, argumentative thesis statement that clearly outlines what will be discussed in the paper. The thesis must present a claim about the topic that is debatable.
Use the scholarly tone for writing a formal paper.
Support the argument with evidence from research.
Include proper MLA in-text citations and Work(s) Cited page
There must be at least four sources for this essay.
There must be a variety of source mediums. The sources must be evaluated for strength.

The World’s Fight for Climate Justice
How is climate change a social justice issue?

There must be at least four sources. These may come from books, magazines, journals, online databases, or Internet websites, but do not rely completely on one type of source (such as using only Internet websites). This does not mean, however, there has to be one of each type of source. In other words, there must be a variety of source mediums. Sources should be suitable for an academic assignment.
Do not use Wikipedia as a source.
All sources must be represented within the text of the essay, which means that each source should be cited at least once. These sources should be cited in MLA format.
The essay must also have a Works Cited page that lists the sources used in the essay. It will be written according to the MLA format. It does not count toward the required length of the essay.