Unit 1 Race: Are We So Different? Part One

Reading, Viewing, & Two Discussion Assignmentshttp://www.understandingrace.org/

This is the link to the website we will study on Race: are we so different? created by the American Anthropological Association. Go Through Each part of the Website and see what the topics are. Required reading for everyone is the 1st Tab. “Race is Not Genetic.” View everything in the other tabs and you may skim but get an idea of what each tab is covering.

Watch all the videos below. View in depth videos that relate to your Group questions. Also include discussion about Oto Benga’s tragic life seen in the Overview Introductory PowerPoint.

ragic life seen in the Overview Introductory PowerPoint.

Honey Child

What is difficult in the way we ask people to identify their “race or ethnicity”; should we change that, in the US Census for example? What problems might it cause and what challenges might it address? Refer to “Honey Child.”