Marking Rubric for Assessment 2
Think family—enhance family involvement in nursing care (40%)= Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the promotion of family involvement in nursing care.
Family strengths conversations in nursing practice (10%)= Critique of more than one approach or tool useful in guiding a family strengths conversation (e.g. AFSNA & OQQ).
Focus on relationships in nursing practice—strengthen connectedness (40%)= Marking Rubric for Assessment 2

Think family—enhance family involvement in nursing care (40%)= Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the promotion of family involvement in nursing care.
Family strengths conversations in nursing practice (10%)= Critique of more than one approach or tool useful in guiding a family strengths conversation (e.g. AFSNA & OQQ).
Focus on relationships in nursing practice—strengthen connectedness (40%)= Demonstrates practically how nurse-patient/family relationship and health and wellbeing outcomes interact.
Maintain academic standards (10%= Paper is skilfully constructed and a pleasure to read -Referencing requirements, spelling, grammar and punctuation are without flaw.-Range of supporting evidence extensive.-All conclusions supported by appropriate evidence.
Notes: – AFSNA: Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment- OQQ: One Question Question
Consider including an example from your PEP to support your answer.
Using harvard references, and journal articles,supported by appropriate eveidences.
Maintain academic standards (10%= Paper is skilfully constructed and a pleasure to read -Referencing requirements, spelling, grammar and punctuation are without flaw.-Range of supporting evidence extensive.-All conclusions supported by appropriate evidence.
Notes: – AFSNA: Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment- OQQ: One Question Question
Consider including an example from your PEP to support your answer.
Using harvard references, and journal articles,supported by appropriate eveidences.