Respond to the following in a ~275-word response
Question: Considering the two identity-based primary texts and the three controversy texts you were assigned for this module, do you believe classroom teachers and/or other K-12 school staff should be armed? Provide excerpts to support your position.
Consider the following prompts:
-What are the possible consequences of arming In what ways do the aspects of identity covered in the primary texts you read impact educators as we consider this controversial issue?, administrators, and/or staff?
-What are the possible consequences of NOT arming school teachers, administrators, and/or staff?
-In what ways do the aspects of identity covered in the primary texts you read impact educators as we consider this controversial issue?
-What aspects of identity addressed in the primary texts you read are/should be of most importance to educators?
-How would arming school staff impact the culture of teaching and learning in schools?
Your response must include citations (quotes or paraphrases) from BOTH of the primary articles you selected and at least two of the controversy articles. Feel free to include insights from the other materials or your classmates as well. Your goal is to reflect on what you read and demonstrate that you thought deeply about the controversy and primary texts as well as our class discussions.
Remember to include the proper APA citations for the texts.
Controversy readings Links:
