Is there a relationship between police body worn cameras and use of force?

4) Literature Review (7-8 pages)
Once you have identified your general topic, you should begin your literature review. The Literature Review provides more detailed background on the topic as it identifies the previous literature, relevant frameworks and theories which support this research.

What are possible themes to cover in your literature review? (these are just suggestions; you don’t need to cover everything).
o How the key concepts/terms/variables in your project are defined and measured in the literature you reviewed
o What are previous efforts to solve problem?
o What are best practices which have been used to address similar problems or conduct similar research?
o What type of alternatives are Identified and described in the literature? (also: systematic comparison of these alternatives may be appropriate)

Important Notes to keep in mind:

o This review of the literature should provide a theoretical basis that sets up your analytic framework. It is NOT simply a summary of scholarship related to your research question, rather it is meant to help you identify shortcoming in the existing research, define the boundaries of your research and help define/refine your research questions.
o A lit review that will demonstrate a simple plot summary of articles – will receive a zero.
o While this literature review is initially submitted as a separate paper, it will be eventually woven into your final paper. However, keep in mind, that for the final submission you will need to add the appropriate transitions and connect it in a way that will create a smooth reading (i.e., it can’t be read as a separate paper within a paper)

o You should draw your review from academic journal article, professional literature, news reports, government documents, policies, books, etc. However, the focus should be academic journal articles. At the minimum, your lit review section should include at least 8 academic sources.
o The References section should be turned in at the same time as this section.

I have attached a few sources that I have found but there needs to be more a minimum of 8 but I’m looking for about 10
Also attached my proposal