Term Project Part 3 Analyze

In this phase, you will prepare several of the critical problem root cause identification tools commonly used in the Six Sigma Process.


In addition, you will prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for use by the departments when this process is implemented. This should be Step 5 on your project sheet

Part 3 (Analyze)

Analyze Phase:

In this phase, you will prepare several of the critical problem root cause identification tools commonly used in the Six Sigma Process.

  1. Prepare a Fishbone Diagram, listing the inputs to the process variability. In addition to the diagram itself, a description of each input and why it is important.
  2. Prepare Pareto Charts for the data you are being provided.
  3. Discuss the change(s) you are proposing to the process, and WHY you are making this change(s).
  4. Prepare a REVISED Flowchart of the process with the changes incorporated.