Heineken Case Study

Evaluate how Heineken competes in the global beer industry using concepts and tools from the course. Specifically, distinguish Heineken the brand from Heineken the product, and discuss specific business, corporate, and international level strategies and methods Heineken has used to expand and compete – and why you believe it did so, use relevant quantitative and qualitative information from the case and the concepts/tools from the course.

Students are individually responsible for submitting a written analysis of the Heineken case, worth 10% of the overall grade. The written case analysis must be written as an essay that addresses the points/prompts for the case above (see 1st paragraph).

To clarify, the assignment is for a coherent and well-organized written essay, not just answers to the individual questions. The written case analysis must be in Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and should not exceed 3 pages of written material, not including exhibits, charts, or tables. Quotes or exhibits from the case or the textbook should be cited appropriately. No external sources should be used. The written analysis is due. No late assignments will be accepted.