Writing Assignments: In lieu of a semester-long research paper, you will be asked to write three (3) short
papers that integrate a minimum of two (2) mainstream media sources (the student is free to use more
than two if need be), covering the topic of your choice, so long as it is of a political
science/political/governmental topical nature and relevance. For each of your two sources, please choose
a hard news or feature article. Please do not use op-ed pieces (editorials, opinion columns, etc.). Also, do
not use short news clips from wire reports. Please make sure your source/article is that of a substantive
and detailed provider of information. For topics of international/national level, please select a print source
of a national/international-level circulation and audience. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times,
Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal and the Economist are all excellent
sources from which to draw. Some strong online-based sources include BBC World, NPR.org, and
CNNworld. These publications have their own staff-writers in various bureaus throughout the world.
Thus, they can provide you with a lot more detailed analysis, hard news and topic background than can
newspapers with only a local/regional-level circulation.
Next, write a 3-4 page summary and analysis on this topic, addressing the following criteria: (1) Give a
detailed and complete background and synopsis of the topic. What is the conflict(s)? What are the various
perspectives and arguments of each of the parties involved? What are some of the origins of the problem?
What are some possible solutions for conflict resolution (from the different perspectives of the various
political actors involved)? (2) Give a source comparison analysis comparing the information offered on
each of the two sources. Which source gives more detail? Is there a particular bias with one source? Which
source(s) would be more dependable source with regard to selection, bias, detail, etc.? What are some of
the contents and passages from the sources that support your evaluations? These are the questions you
will be asked to address with each paper. For every idea or words that are not your own, please cite
the author and/or the source. You are free to use any of the major citation styles (MLA, APA,
Turabian/Chicago style). Just be sure to be consistent and, again, cite sources. Cite sources for
any quotes you give. Cite for any statistical data and information you provide. Cite for any fact,
information or claim that is not common knowledge. Any opinions, assertions or arguments that
you might want to present, please do so by citing sources, as well as providing evidence and facts
from these sources, which are more authoritative in expertise than you. Papers which include
opinions or arguments that lack such evidence and sources, and are based on just anecdotal
experiences, or your “gut” feeling shall be docked in points. Each assignment is worth five points.
Each assignment is worth five (5) points. Late assignments will be docked one (1) point for every calendar
day that a paper is not turned in after the original due date.