BCOR2710 Group Case Analysis Project Report Guidelines

Choose  any case  from list of closing cases in your  textbook.Write a report on this case and  its company. Your group must choose a case title from the list by week four  of  the semester.

Report Requirements:

  • Cover page, and table of content with the title and group member’s full names.
  • Body of the report should be 10 to 12 pages double spaced with a 12 point font.
  • At least 8 in-text citations in APA Style (see the APA Style guide for format).
  • At least 8 references(Peer-Reviewed Articles)in APA Style (see the APA Style guide for format).
  • Report Outline:
  1. Executive Summary
  2. Company Analysis
  • Company History/Background Information/Problem/Issue with the company from Management Information Systems  Perspective.
  • Information Technology Solution for the Company
  • SWOT (Stengths,Weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats)Case Analysis. (e.g. Analysis of WalMart Corporation)
  • Benefit/gain from solution
  • Answer all the questions at the end of closing case
  • Conclude/Recommendation
  • References(Peer-Reviewed Articles)