WEEK 5: Chapters 15, 20

Chapter 15 – Vital Signs, Oxygen, Chest Tubes, and Lines

  • Discuss the significance of homeostasis.
  • Explain the mechanisms that adapt and maintain homeostasis.
  • Discuss the significance of each of the four vital signs: temperature, respiration, pulse, and blood pressure.
  • Identify the normal range for each of the vital signs.
  • Explain the implications of abnormal vital signs.
  • Describe how vital signs are assessed.
  • Explain the indications for administering oxygen therapy.
  • Differentiate high-flow and low-flow oxygen-delivery devices.
  • Explain why caution must be used when performing radiographic procedures on patients receiving oxygen therapy.
  • Describe the uses of, or indications for, the following thoracic tubes and lines to manage compromised patients: endotracheal tubes, thoracostomy tubes, and central venous lines.
  • Describe the radiographic appearance and proper placement of endotracheal tubes, thoracostomy tubes, and central venous lines.
  • Differentiate various types of central venous lines.
  • Recognize the clinical complications associated with use and placement of tubes and lines used in the thorax.


Chapter 20 – Medical Emergencies

  • Define terms related to medical emergencies.
  • List the objectives of first aid.
  • List general priorities for working with patients in acute situations.
  • Explain the purpose of an emergency cart and its contents.
  • Differentiate between the two primary types of external cardiac defibrillators.
  • Explain the four levels of consciousness.
  • Describe the signs and symptoms of various medical emergencies.
  • Discuss methods of avoiding the factors that contribute to shock.
  • Discuss factors that contribute to the development of hypoglycemia.
  • Describe the appropriate procedure for handling patients with various medical emergencies.
  • Describe the correct procedure for administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Describe the general procedure for the use of an automatic external cardiac defibrillator.
  • Demonstrate appropriate principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.