BRIEF RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY & CRITIQUE (10%): All students will be expected to demonstrate that they can read, interpret and critique group/leadership communication empirical published research. This assignment requires students to write a 2-3 page summary/critique of an appropriate article and submit it on September 23, 2020.


All students will be expected to demonstrate that they can read, interpret and critique empirical published research. This assignment requires students to write a 2-3 page summary and critique of the assigned article and submit it electronically through this canvas shell on or before September 23, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. (before class begins). All students will write their article summary and critique using the published research study listed below:

Myers, S.A., & Goodboy, A.K. (2005). A study of grouphate in a course on small group communication. Psychological Reports, 97, 381-386.

Much can be learned about how to do your own research by critically evaluating the research efforts of others. To this end you will demonstrate your ability to read, interpret and critique empirical published research by writing a brief (2-3 page) critical research report that demonstrate that you understand how the researchers arrived at their conclusions, critique their questions, methods, results, and conclusions, and generally tell me what you think of the assigned study (Myers & Goodboy, 2005). Your report is to be typed, double-spaced (with appropriate 1” margins) and follow all conventions outlined in the APA 7th Edition Style Manual. Your summary and critique (written as a narrative—not a bulleted list) will be evaluated based upon your complete (and accurate) answers to the following seven (7) questions:

In a very tiny nutshell (that holds 3-4 sentences at most), what is the purpose of the article? Summarize the purpose of the study in your own words—do not quote from the article. What questions were the authors attempting to answer?
What theory is being used to frame the study? How is the theory guiding the research?
What is the research design that the authors are using to answer their questions (e.g., experimental, survey research, textual analysis, observation)? Is it appropriate to their purpose and the questions they asked? Are there any apparent weaknesses? Are there particular strengths?
Who are the research participants? Do they represent an appropriate population to study?
What questions have been answered? That is, what do you know now that you didn’t know before? What is the “take home” message?
What questions are left unanswered? What new questions have been raised? How could you use what you learned from the results of this study to help with counteractive influence as a leader in a group?
What is your evaluation of this article? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Or maybe you think the author(s) had no opposable thumbs? Why?
Be certain that you do more than simply summarize – you need to evaluate and critique the study and the conclusions of the study.