Science /weather

How many people died from tornadoes in 2011:

  1. Where did the deadliest tornado hit in 2011?
  2. How fast were the tornado wind and how wide was it?
  3. Almost all tornadoes begin with a________________________.
  4. What does Doppler radar measure?
  5. What is lead time?
  6. What is a tornado?
  7. What are the characteristics of the most extremes tornadoes?”
  8. Where is tornado alley?   
  9. What is “La Nina”?
  10. What is a “Super Cell”?
  11. What does the EF Scale rate?
  12. What is left after an EF-5 tornado hits?
  13. What month is the most active for tornadoes?
  14. What types of building are most vulnerable to tornadoes?
  15. What does “Tornado Awareness” mean?
  16. What is a “Safe Room”?
  17. What is a limitation of our current Doppler radar system?
  18. How do people react to tornado warnings?
  19. What was Dr. Howard Bluestein (Howie) trying to determine with his mobile Doppler radar?