English Question


In some ways, this is a free-wheeling response paper to your experience reading and watching Young Jean Lee’s play We’re Gonna Die. What do you think the performance is asking you to feel or think, as a viewer? What was it ultimately about? What moments stuck out for you, and helped contribute to and shape your overall understanding of the play? You should feel free to cite specific moments, scenes, or songs to help make your point. You’ll need to include at least two of the secondary sources from GoogleClassroom that help you make your point about what this play, ultimately, was about. You should feel free to use “I” in this paper, to narrate your experience watching and reading the play, and your reactions to it. This should not, however, be a review; we all read/watched it, we don’t need persuading as to why we must see it — but you can argue that we should see it in a particular way. The link for the drama https://youngjeanlee.org/work/were-gonna-die/

Need to have two resources that connect the idea of this drama these are the secondary resources