View and analyze the TED Talk: Ben Goldacre: Battling Bad Science (14 min)

This week we learned about Data Integration & Preparation. When you watched the TED talk video consider and respond to the following questions:

• What types of experiments did the speaker talk about? Think about the learnings from Unit 4.
• Consider the learnings in Unit 6, to include the Ted talk, how can you spot negative data that was missing from the data presented? The speaker mentioned two.
• Before you watched the video, were you a skeptic of data? How about after the video? Explain.

Participation Requirements:
Original discussion forum posts:
• Create a thread for your original post identified with your name.
• Prepare a quality, substantive post that addresses the objectives of the discussion forum and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric
• Include supportive evidence; such as direct applicable experience and expert sources.