5-6 pages; of a regular font size (10 or 12), bibliography is required.
You can try to use at least one (or two?) philospher(s) and at least one of his texts on the topic.
Due electronically, as .doc, via Blackboard, by 5 pm on Sept 28, 2020
10% towards the final grade

Professor instructions above

*Do 5 pages MLA style. Talk about what is art to you. Then talk about what is art in general. Then mention one philosopher who’s point of view on art is related or some how incorporated to that of yours. Only one (source) bibliography is needed so only one citation is needed for this. *Art to me personally is a form of self expression. Art to me is music, visuals, and food. Instructions are pretty straight forward just keep the concept basic elaborate on that personal view of art then explain what art is in general, tie the philosophers view on the subject and then close out the paper.

*If you have anymore questions let me know.