Martin Puchner, “Money speaks, in Orgon’s society as in ours; possession of wealth implies total control over others [. . . .] Tartuffe’s monstrous lust, for women, money, power, genuinely endangers the social structure” (305). Artistotle believe that the ability to reason is a characteristic of humans and that true happiness is found through reason/rational thought. Consider Puchner’s comment along with Aristotle’s views on reason and develop this idea with specific references to the text.

Consider the following as you construct your argument:

Carefully construct a clear, focused thesis. (Keep two points clear in your writing – money/power and its affect on social structure.)

Discuss Orgon’s wealth and position in society by using quotes from the play (there are many references throughout). You must explain what the quotes tell us about Orgon and his family.

Discuss corrupt churchmen with references from the text.

Discuss how Tartuffe uses sex/love as a way to cover up greed (Acts 2 and 3)

Discuss the role of the King (wealth and power) with regard to questions of honor. (Look at the Officer’s speech and to Dorine’s in Act 1)Requirements:

5 pages typed, double spaced

No title page – see MLA style sheet

Works Cited page (does not count in 5 page total)

Direct quotes from the play must be used (but should not significantly outnumber total number of pages) & must be cited properly.You do not have to use outside sources/research, BUT, if you do – they must be properly documented within the body of the paper AND included on the Works Cited page.

*****Sources MUST be saved and submitted along with your paper

****** Missing source material WILL result in a lower grade.